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蒋庆作者简介:蒋庆,字勿恤,号盘山叟,西元一九五三年生,祖籍江苏徐州,出生、成长于贵州贵阳。一九八二年毕业于西南政法大学法律系(本科),先后任教于西南政法大学、深圳行政学院。二〇〇一年申请提前退休。一九九七年在贵阳龙场始建阳明精舍,二〇〇三年落成。著有《公羊学引论》《政治儒学——当代儒学的转向、特质与发展》《以善致善:蒋庆与盛洪对话》《生命信仰与王道政治——儒家文化的现代价值》《儒学的时代价值》《儒家社会与道统复兴——与蒋庆对话》《再论政治儒学》《儒教宪政秩序》(英文版)《广论政治儒学》《政治儒学默想录》《申论政治儒学》《〈周官〉今文说——儒家改制之“新王制”刍论》等,主编《中华文化经典基础教育诵本》。 |
来源:国外亚玛逊网(http://www.amazon.com/Confucian- ... onstitutional+order)
Book Description
How China’s Ancient Past Can Shape Its Political Future
Author:Jiang Qing
Edited by Daniel A. Bell and Ruiping Fan
Translated by Edmund Ryden
Princeton University Press
Publication Date: October 8, 2012 | Series: Princeton-China
As China continues to transform itself, many assume that the nation will eventually
move beyond communism and adopt a Western—style democracy. But could China
develop a unique form of government based on its own distinct traditions? Jiang Qing--China's most original, provocative, and controversial Confucian political thinker-says yes. In this book, he sets out a vision for a Confucian constitutional order that offers
a compelling alternative to both the status quo in China and to a Western-style liberal
democracy. A Confucian Constitutional Order is the most detailed and systematic work
on Confucian constitutionalism to date.
Jiang argues against the democratic view that the consent of the people is the main source
of political legitimacy. Instead, he presents a comprehensive way to achieve humane authority
based on three sources of political legitimacy, and he derives and defends a proposal for a
tricameral legislature that would best represent the Confucian political ideal. He also puts forward
proposals for an institution that would curb the power of parliamentarians and for a symbolic
monarch who would embody the historical and transgenerational identity of the state. In the latter
section of the book, four leading liberal and socialist Chinese critics--Joseph Chan, Chenyang Li,
Wang Shaoguang, and Bai Tongdong--critically evaluate Jiang's theories and Jiang gives detailed
responses to their views.
A Confucian Constitutional Order provides a new standard for evaluating political progress in China
and enriches the dialogue of possibilities available to this rapidly evolving nation. This book will
fascinate students and scholars of Chinese politics, and is essential reading for anyone concerned
about China's political future.
民主主义者认为民意是政治合法性的主要来源。蒋对此不能赞同,和盘托出了一套以政治三重合法性为基础的王道政治,并由之推演出一套最能体现儒家政治理想的三院制立法机构,为之辩护。他还主张建立某种机制以制约议员们的权力,设立象征性的君主以代表国家的历史和跨时代身份。书的后一部分是四位中国自由主义和社会主义健将即陈祖为、 李晨阳、王绍光和白彤东的批评。他们审视了蒋的理论,蒋也对他们的批评做了详细的答复。
“At the very moment that China is roiling with pressure for change--ethically, politically, and spiritually--Jiang Qing has unveiled a provocative road map that seeks to reconnect the nations past with its future.
This book opens the window on the struggle for Chinas soul."
--Evan Osnos, China correspondent for the New Yorker
"Should Confucianism be treated as an official religion guiding the Chinese state? Or should it
serve more as a stimulus for moral cultivation? This volume assembles arguments by one of
the most ardent advocates of a religious Confucian constitutional order, together with a number
of rejoinders that, without fully endorsing Western liberalism, favor a greater balance between
East and West. A fascinating collection for China experts and students of political philosophy."
--Fred Dallmayr, University of Notre Dame
"A Confucian Constitutional Order represents the most comprehensive take on this important topic
that I have seen. The official position of the Chinese Communist Party in favor of Confucianism as
the defining element in Chinese socialism gives Qings book a prime relevance to the contemporary
political scene. The stature and qualifications of the author, editors, and contributors are impressive,
and their reflections on Western democracy are significant."
--Wm. Theodore de Bary, Columbia University
"Jiang Qing is a contemporary Chinese political thinker whose voice deserves to be heard. We now
have before us, for the first time in English, a major statement of Confucian constitutionalism by one
of the leading Confucian thinkers working in China today."
--Jiwei Ci, University of Hong Kong
"Jiang Qing is a remarkable intellectual and sociological phenomenon, and he is China's most
visible proponent of Confucian revivalism. His work engages scholars and he is a courageous
and active force for political reform in China. This book will be useful to those who want to learn
more about China's most charismatic advocate for traditional Confucian principles."
--Justin Tiwald, San Francisco State University
【上一篇】 【曹景年】岂可有圣城而无圣教?